Fontys University of Applied Sciences
www.fontys.nlDepartment of Mechatronics,
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (UAS) offers more than 200 Bachelor-level education programmes in the professional areas of technology, economics, social work, health care and teacher training. Within the organization there are some lectorates. A lectorate is a unit in an UAS that revolves around a specific subject and is headed by a lector, who is an expert in that subject. Fontys UAS counts 38 lectorates. One of these is the department of Mechatronics. It’s involved in projects which have a relationship with high precision machinery.
School of ICT & Technology,
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
The School of ICT &Technology of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences has the ambition to help students and professionals in the “Brainport region” to develop their ICT knowledge, enabling them to use technology for positive change in society. By maintaining an intensive collaboration in both development and research with so-called partners-in-education the effective transfer of knowledge is ensured.