Eindhoven University of Technology
www.tue.nlElectronic Systems Group,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Electronic Systems Group aims to provide a scientific basis for design trajectories of digital electronic circuits and systems ‘from (generalized) algorithm to realization'. To identify the key problems, and verify the validity, robustness and completeness of its results, the Electronic Systems Group develops, implements and maintains consistent and complete fows, and use them for realizing innovative multimedia hardware with emphasis on video processing and embedded architectures.
EPC - Equipment and Prototype Center,
Eindhoven University of Technology
The TU/e EPC - Equipment and Prototype Center provides technical support of education and research at the TU/e on a central level. The EPC designs/develops equipment for experimental research, creates prototypes, provides specialist support, advises in the field of mechanical, electronic and physics problems. Primarily, the EPC works for clients within the TU/e, but also performs assignments from industry and external research institutes. The EPC has modern, well-equipped workshops. The performed contracts range from service assignments to complex projects.
Systems Engineering Group,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Systems Engineering group within the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) aims to develop quantitative methods for the analysis, design and implementation of (embedded) systems exhibiting concurrent behavior. The objectives are to generate theory based on formal methods from computer science (process algebra) and on methods from mathematics (combinatorial optimization), to develop techniques, to build computational tools, and to illustrate these in education or to apply in selected cases from industry.
Dynamics and Control Group,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Eindhoven University of Technology
The dynamic properties of mechanical systems almost always involve physical and geometrical nonlinearities, possibly a large number of degrees of freedom with interactions between them, and often also a relatively high speed of operation. The combination of these properties easily leads to difficulties in modeling and analysis, and thereby also in successfully implementing a model-based controller design in practice. This is the basic challenge throughout the research in the Dynamics and Control group. Clearly, the ambition of the group is to work at the forefront of today’s technology, and to aim at a highly recognizable research stature not only within the department, but also in the Netherlands and internationally.
System Architecture and Networking Group (SAN),
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology
The System Architecture and Networking group within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) studies parallel and distributed systems with an emphasis on pervasive systems. The research focusses on service composition, distributed resource management, performance, predictability, programmability and security. The results are applied in application domains such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), lighting, healthcare and automotive, usually in cooperation with industry through national and international projects.