Universität Bremen
www.uni-bremen.deArbeitsgruppe Rechnerarchitektur (Group of Computer Architecture),
Fachbereich 3 – Informatik,
Universität Bremen
The Group of Computer Architecture is working on the technical development of intelligent and networked systems. The focus of the research and development is the safety, security and correctness of these systems, which continue to grow in complexity, and which are employed in smartphones, cars, and airplanes, amongst others. Since 2001 the group is successful in research fields, which are related to Computer Aided Design (CAD) of circuits and systems covering synthesis, verification, test and reliability.
Institut für elektrische Antriebe, Leistungselektronik und Bauelemente (IALB),
Universität Bremen
The Institute for Electrical Drives, Power Electronics and Devices (IALB) is a research facility of the University of Bremen. The wide range of technical requirements is interdisciplinary researched in two groups of the department. The fields of research are: System integration of electrical drives, Perturbation in the mains, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Power electronics, Control of electrical drives and drive systems, Motion control, Power components, "Smart Power", Integrated power electronic systems and Photovoltaic.
Institut für Automatisierungstechnik (IAT),
Universität Bremen
The Institute of Automation (IAT) is a research and teaching entity of the University of Bremen, having two main research groups: Dynamic systems and Automatic Control, Process Automation and Robotics. The research team of the IAT consists of more than 20 researchers who are involved in different national and EU-funded research projects in the fields of service and rehabilitation robotics, computer vision, brain computer interface and process automation.