Universität Augsburg
www.uni-augsburg.deInstitut für Software und Systems-Engineering (ISSE),
Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik,
Universität Augsburg
The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering is a scientific institution within the Faculty of Applied Computer Science of the Augsburg University. Its five strategic areas of research are Software and Systems Engineering, Self-organizing Systems, Safety and Security, Formal Methods and Mechatronics (with a focus on robotics). The institute uses several industrial robots, some of which are controlled using EtherCAT.
Lehrstuhl Regelungstechnik in der Ingenieurinformatik,
Institut für Informatik,
Fakultät für angewandte Informatik,
Universität Augsburg
The Chair of Control Engineering was founded in 2015 as part of the Computer Science Department at University of Augsburg. The chair is investigating precision kinematics. Algorithms for calibration and control are developed to achieve optimal precision and dynamics in flexible or lightweight kinematics and micro systems. Demonstrators like a Modular Cable Robot (MoCaRo) and a Multi Lasertracker System (MLTS) have been realized. A contactless gripper system deploys ultrasonic levitation for the manipulation of small masses. Due to their parallel structure sensor-actuator-networks are emerging that require communication and distributed control in real-time. For that purpose, FPGA-based actuator and sensor nodes are developed as EtherCAT slaves..