www.tenasys.comTenAsys (USA)
TenAsys specializes in real-time software and services optimized for the Intel x86 architecture and Microsoft Windows software. Based on 25 years of reliable field-proven technology, TenAsys products combine robust industrial-grade control with enterprise-rich Windows functionality giving embedded systems full access to thousands of off-the-shelf applications and every Windows feature — standard APIs, networking, user interface, and development environment — without having to sacrifice real-time responsiveness.
TenAsys Europe
TenAsys®, the real-time virtualization expert headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon US, provides real-time and multicore-capable Operating System (RTOS) and virtualization technologies for the embedded computing industry. TenAsys Europe GmbH in Haar / Munich has been the TenAsys subsidiary in Germany since 2010 and focuses on sales and support in Europe and China.