SPS 2020: ETG Joint Booth (取消)

SPS 2020: ETG Joint Booth (取消)

日期: 2020年11月24日 - 2020年11月26日
所在地: Nuremberg, Germany
地点: Exhibition Centre Nuremberg (NürnbergMesse)
类别: 展会
网址: sps.mesago.com

SPS 2020 will not take place in Nuremberg.
Official statement from the Exhibition organizer: After intensive discussions with our exhibitors and visitors, we have decided to implement the SPS exclusively in virtual form this year due to the significant changes in the surrounding conditions caused by the corona pandemic. We are thus responding to the wishes of the industry, which is questioning the dialogue at the exhibition - characterized by intensive technical discussions and partly confidential consultations - under hygiene and distance regulations. We regret this decision, which was not easy for us, but the wishes of the SPS community are our first priority.
We are now looking ahead to the SPS 2021, which will take place in Nuremberg from 23. - 25. November 2021.