Pusan National University
www.pusan.ac.krEmbedded Control System Lab.,
Department of Electronics Engineering,
Pusan National University
Embedded Control System Lab. (ECSL) conducts researches on the fields of embedded systems and control engineering. ECSL studies on the methods to efficiently design and implement the hardware and software constructing embedded systems. Moreover, ECSL designs control algorithms for dynamic systems and implements those algorithms into embedded systems.
Intelligent Robot Lab (IRL),
Pusan National University
The Intelligent Robot Lab studies Intelligent Robots which can apply to society widely. Research Interests: Design of robotic control system; Intelligent robot and its control algorithm, Sensor applications, HRI (Human robot interaction), Underwater robotic system, Localization.
Network-based Systems Laboratory (NSL)
Pusan National University
Network-based Systems Lab. (NSL) is a laboratory of Pusan National University, Korea. The NSL is one of the leading laboratories in the field of industrial network. Major research topic is performance evaluation and improvement of the network systems which include sensor network, industrial network, in-vehicle network, and home network. Currently, the Lab. evaluates the network in terms of transmission delay and throughput to make sure that the real-time integrated industrial control system performs as expected. More specifically, EtherCAT (and other Ethernet-based fieldbus systems), IEEE 802.11, ZigBee, CAN, and FlexRay protocols are being evaluated by simulation and experiment.
Power Conversion Laboratory,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
Pusan National University
Microprocessor application & power conversion lab (MP2C) researches motor driving technology and power conversion system for industry and military and so on. Recently, the major topics are the electric ship propulsion, VSC-HVDC, the development of the high capacity BLDC controller and the improvement of the reliability of power conversion system.