RWTH Aachen University
www.rwth-aachen.deChair of Communication and Distributed Systems (COMSYS),
RWTH Aachen University
The Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems (COMSYS, Computer Science 4) at RWTH Aachen University, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Wehrle, conducts research in the fields of network architectures, cyber-physical systems, system security and privacy, as well as the methodological analysis of distributed systems. With over 15 doctoral and two post-doctoral students, it is one of the largest computer science chairs at RWTH. Several "best paper" awards and regular project funding by DFG and BMBF, as well as an ERC Consolidator Grant to Prof. Wehrle in 2015 underline the chair's position among Germany's leading research institutions in its areas. The chair's teaching activities include very popular seminars, labs and lectures on networks and communication architectures and over 40 advised theses per year.
Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas),
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
RWTH Aachen University
The Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas) of RWTH Aachen University is one of the world’s largest and best known scientific institutions conducting research in all aspects of fluid power. This includes hydraulics and pneumatics, as well as all of its fields of application. To be equipped for the future, current research includes areas such as information technology, servo-control engineering, electrical engineering, tribology and chemistry on top of mechanical engineering. The institute’s multiple and profound national and international connections with manufacturers and users of fluid power components and systems, as well as other research facilities, ensure that its activities are leading the way into the future of research, development and education of fluid power systems.
Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA),
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
RWTH Aachen University
The Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives of Prof. De Doncker is active for more than 50 years in the research of power electronics and electrical drives. The focus hereby lies on the development of innovative components, controls and system concepts in the fields of traction and automotive technologies, energy supply and industrial as well as household technologies.
RWTH Aachen University,
Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL,
Lehrstuhl für Werkzeugmaschinen
For decades, the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL at RWTH Aachen University has been known worldwide as a synonym for successful and pioneering research in the field of production engineering. In six research areas, both basic research and research projects oriented towards the requirements of industry are carried out and, in addition, practical solutions for the rationalization of production are developed. The research carried out at WZL is characterized by close cooperation between the various disciplines and a well-balanced mixture of fundamental research and application-oriented development.