Chinese Academy of Sciences, IHEP
www.ihep.ac.cnDivision of Accelerators,
Institute of High Energy Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) is the biggest and comprehensive fundamental research center in China. The major research fields of IHEP are particle physics, accelerator physics and technologies, radiation technologies and application. The Division for Accelerators conducts research on accelerator theory, technology and its applications, which include RF, microwave, power, ultrahigh vacuum, precision machinery, auto-control, beam diagnosis, low temperature superconductivity, and radiation shielding. The Division has accomplished construction and operation of the BEPC and the Beijing Proton Linac (BPL).
Division of Experimental Physics (EPC),
Institute of High Energy Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Division of Experimental Physics (EPC - Experimental Physics Center) is a division of the Institute of High Energy Physics, which devotes mainly to the experimental researches of particle physics. The major scientific activities of EPC currently includes: BESI&II Experiment, BESIII Experiment, Daya Bay Experiment, Test beam, Detector R&D. EPC also participates in some International collaborative experiments of high energy physics, which are of great importance in the world, such as Belle, CMS, ATLAS etc.