GM60 Grid Measurement
GM60 is used for measuring grid currents, voltages, power and frequency. GM60 includes a CAN interface for transferring calibration data from voltage and current transducers. GM60 is equipped with a number of digital I/O for general purpose.
- Grid measurement in accordance with IEC61400-21
- Current measuring: High resolution analogue current input for interfacing to closed loop Hall effect current transducers or standard 1A current transformers.
- Voltage measuring: High resolution analogue current input for interfacing to closed loop Hall effect voltage transducers.
- Simultaneously sampled current and voltage measurements.
- Transducer calibration via CAN interface
- 4 digital inputs, for general purpose
- 4 digital outputs, for general purpose
- Separate DC supply input for digital output
- Temperature range -35°C to 70°C
- Output enable control and monitoring
- Station ready control and monitoring