Safely control complex systems using modern fieldbus technology!
Use u-remote to connect distributed safety equipment to form a fully cooperating safety system, which is monitored using a centralised safety control. You can ideally integrate the safe u-remote in- and output module in decentralised architectures to selectively switch off parts of the production as required.
The digital input module UR20-8DI-PN-FSOE-V2 is a safe I/O module for the "FailSafe over EtherCAT" protocol (FSoE). The module can detect up to 8 binary control signals.
The module can be used to set up safety architecture of PLe, category 4 acc. to DIN EN ISO 13849 resp. SIL 3 acc. to EN 61508 / SILCL 3 acc. to EN 62061.
Two sensors can be connected to each connector using a 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection. A status LED is assigned to each channel. The module electronics supplies the connected sensors with power from the input current path (I IN). A test pulse check of the inputs can be parameterised as a cross-circuit detection between input signal and supply voltage, between different input signals or other signals. Thus an input gets active only when the signal of the dedicated auxiliary output is pending. The test pulses can be disabled if a safety OSSD generating own test pulses is connected.
From planning to operation, u-remote allows you to speed up all work processes and opens up new possibilities in panel building. It is the perfect response to growing complexity in machine and factory automation thanks to its powerful flexibility and simple handling.

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