iX7NH Series
1. Compact and Convenient
- Achieves zero stack installation space through high-efficiency heat dissipation design (100W ~ 1kW Drive)
- Reduces drive depth for 100W and 200W by applying a small heatsink (from 172.5mm to 145.2mm; about 16% volume reduction)
- Features an easily accessible window cover
- Utilizes spring clamp-type connectors for easy wiring
2. Enhanced Encoder Support and Control Functions
- Supports high-resolution and various types of encoders (Encoder types: BiSS, Quadrature, Tamagawa, Panasonic, EnDat 2.2, SSI, Nikon, Sinusoidal (optional))
- Supports temperature monitoring through encoders
- Enhanced quadrature encoder disconnection check function (added disconnection check circuit, no need for dummy wiring)
- Improved control cycle (Position control: 125μs, Speed control: 62.5μs, Current control: 31.25μs)
- Enhanced alarm trace function (stores trace data for up to 4 channels including occurrence time/date along with the alarm code)
- Enhanced USB OTG application functions (Drive parameter backup (Drive → USB memory), Parameter restore to drive (Drive ← USB memory), Alarm history backup (Drive → USB memory), Firmware update (Drive ← USB))
3. Communication Support and Enhanced Communication Functions
- Supported Fieldbus: EtherCAT and other fieldbuses
- Minimum communication cycle: 0.125ms
- Enhanced EtherCAT-related functions (Min. Cycle time 0.250ms → 0.125ms, supports FoE function)
- Supports Built-in Web Server (Allows settings in a web browser environment without separate setup software (DriveCM) by embedding a web server within the drive, improves remote commissioning functionality using Ethernet connection)