CTT | What’s New?



01. Windows command line control
02. FSoE MainInstance tests
03. Minor bug fixes and improvements


01. Test File Update
02. Navigate by keyboard
03. Export Results Overview
04. FSoE MainInstance tests – draft status


01. New and updated files
02. FSoE MainDevice testing
03. Test selection: files, groups, cases
04. Test case runtime
05. Network adapter details
06. Output message number


01. Test Files: Overview of updates and new tests
02. New Tab: Diagnosis
03. New Tab: AoE Online
04. New Tab: FoE Online
05. New Tab: EtherCAT Master
06. New Tab: PHY
07. Recalculate Module@Crc32 for FSoE modules
08. Export test results
09. Enhanced CTT Remote Control Interface methods and documentation
10. EtherCATInfo Schema file


01. Test Files: Overview of updates and new tests
02. Tools | CRC Verifier
03. Tools | CTT Report
04. Support of multiple FSoE Connections
05. Init Cmd Import for config (feature under preparation)
06. EtherCATInfo Schema file
07. EtherCAT Configurator: Copy and Paste for slave configurations
08. CTT Remote Control Interface
09. Update of ESI Editor Control


01. Slave Configurations
02. Automatical Generation of possible Module Configurations
03. DC Modes
04. Edit Cycle Times per Configuration
05. Activate Configuration
06. Run Tests for all Configurations
07. Calculation of Module CRC (for ESI element Modules:Module@Crc32)
08. Generation of CRC Calculation File
09. Configure several FSoE Connections


01. Offline Test
02. Test Different Configurations
03. Module/Slots
04. Real Time Mode
05. FSoE
06. State Machine
07. Update of Test Set
08. Memory View
09. EEPROM Update via Drag and Drop
10. Offline OD Generation
11. Start-Up Commands
12. Report Generation
13. Result Export
14. Tool Log
15. ESI Repository Location



1. Windows command line control


CTT can be started via the Windows command line. All remote control functions are now available via the command line, too.
Start the ECConformanceTest.Console.exe in the installation folder. Integrate the CTT into your development and test process by making use of the command line feature for your pipelines (e.g., Microsoft Azure DevOps™).

Windows command line control

See also the help file (F1) and navigate to the How To chapter “Use Console mode”

2. FSoE MainInstance tests


The FSoE MainInstance tests are now about to be released in cooperation with TÜV Süd. They are part of the CTT installation and can be added manually. Those tests are a significant help for the development and certification with a notified body.

Important: With those tests becoming official, a dedicated license file for FSoE MainInstance tests is required to run the MainInstance test files.

FSoE MainInstance tests

NOTE: Information on how to obtain an FSoE MainInstance license will be provided separately.

3. Minor bug fixes and improvements



1. Test File Update


Test File Update

2. Navigate by keyboard


Navigate by keyboard

3. Export Results Overview | Test result per test case


Get a CSV or XLSX file with a detailed overview with a test result for each test case and test slave individually. Used for documentation and for comparison of test results.

Navigate to Tool > Export Results Overview...
Export Results Overview

Open the file:
Test result per test case

4. FSoE MainInstance tests – draft status


FSoE MainInstance test files are included in the CTT V2.5 setup.
FSoE master instance test files

Add them by right click on Tests and select the test file set...
FSoE Test File set


1. New and updated files


New and updated files

2. FSoE MainDevice testing


3. Test selection: files, groups, cases


Test selection: files, groups, cases

4. Test case runtime


Test selection: files, groups, cases

5. Network adapter details


Network adapter details

6. Output message number


Output message number


1. Test Files: Overview of updates and new tests


Test File

Test files: TF-4101 | NEW

Focus on tests beyond TF-4101 based on CiA402 drive profile according to ETG.6010 / CiA402 / IEC61800-7

TF-4101 | NEW

Test files: TF-4520 | NEW

Focus on general structure, mandatory and recommended Safety over EtherCAT features according to Safety over EtherCAT Protocol Enhancements (ETG.5120) and EtherCAT Slave Information specification (ETG.2000).

TF-4520 | NEW

Test Files: TF-482x Semi Device Profiles | Added to default test file set

Test files TF-4820, TF-4821, TF-4822, TF-4823, TF-4825, TF-4827, TF-4860 and TF-4900 are now part of default test file set.

Test Files: TF-130x, TF-1100, TF-120x, TF-230x, TF-4401, TF-4701 | Enhancements

Bugfixes and enhanced test coverage. See “Test file” [right-click] > “View History…” for more information.

Test File: TF-1300 | Test group “Explicit device identification”

Test group has been moved to test file TF-1201 with other tests relevant to explicit device identification.

2. New Tab: Diagnosis


The new tab “Diagnosis” provides an interface for the Diagnosis History Object 0x10F3. Diagnosis messages (0x10F3 SI6 - 255), related information (0x10F3 SI1 – 4), and flags (0x10F3 SI5) are decoded by the new CTT.


Diagnosis Tab Screenshot

Interface features:

4. New Tab: AoE Online


The new tab “AoE Online” (ADS over EtherCAT) provides an interface for sending AoE requests and receiving AoE responses.


AoE Online Tab Screenshot

Interface features:

4. New Tab: FoE Online


The new tab “FoE Online” (File access over EtherCAT) provides an interface for FoE downloads and FoE uploads.


FoE Online Tab Screenshot

5. New Tab: EtherCAT Master


New “EtherCAT Master” tab with additional information on:

a) Network adapter
b) EtherCAT slaves
c) Cyclic commands

a) Network Adapter


Interface features include:

b) EtherCAT Slaves


EtherCAT Slaves Tab Screenshot

Interface features include:

c) Cyclic Commands


6. New Tab: PHY


Access to PHY registers 0x0510:0x0515.


7. Recalculate Module@Crc32 for FSoE modules


The Module@Crc32 from ESI file and the expected (i.e. correct) one is displayed. In case Crc32 in ESI file is wrong, button “Recalculate” allows to generate a text file which lists the result of each individual calculation step:

Recalculate Button Screenshot

Select text file path for output:

Output Screenshot

8. Export test results


Export test results in *.xlsx or *.csv format.


9. Enhanced CTT Remote Control Interface methods and documentation


10. EtherCATInfo Schema file


Latest EtherCATInfo.xsd (www.ethercat.org/etg2000) schema file. It includes the Slave Configuration Interface (SCI) description.

XSD Schema Screenshot


1. Test Files: Overview of updates and new tests


Test File

TF-1000 | NEW (used with EtherCAT P devices)

Basic Physical Layer Test of Ethernet channel


Test Files: TF-1300 | NEW

Focus on Explicit Device Identification and testing ESI files with element Modules


Test Files: TF-2301 | NEW

Focus on objects in the Communication specific range (0x1000…0x1FFF)


Test Files: TF-4701 | NEW

Focus on Semi Device Profile ETG.5003 CDP Requirements


Test Files: TF-48xx | NEW

Semi Device Profile Test for different SDPs, including 2000, 201x, 2040, 2050, 2070, 2080. The test all object and object entry attributes in all index ranges in the offline and online dictionary. Example shown below for profile 2000 ASF:


2. Tools | CRC Verifier


Menu bar “Tools”: Module CRC Verifier


Select ESI from different sources


Verification of FORMAT and CRC


CRC can be


3. Tools | CTT Report


Menu bar “Tools”: CTT Report


Email Template with all attachments


4. Support of multiple FSoE Connections


Multiple Connections per Slave


For testing an individual connection of one slave, a slave configuration is generated. On this active connection the FSoE tests are performed.

5. Init Cmd Import for config (feature under preparation)


EtherCAT Configurator: Import of Mailbox Init Commands:

6. EtherCATInfo Schema file


Latest EtherCATInfo.xsd (www.ethercat.org/etg2000) schema file. It also includes EtherCAT P elements.


7. EtherCAT Configurator: Copy and Paste for slave configurations


Slave configurations can be copied

8. CTT Remote Control Interface



8. Update of ESI Editor Control


Open ESI editor via context menu



1. Slave Configurations


EtherCAT slaves can have either fixed or flexible configurations, including their process data, synchronization modes (SyncManager-synchronous, DC-synchronous, …) and other:

The CTT can be used to generate different configurations based on the slave’s ESI file.

2. Automatical Generation of possible Module Configurations


The following screenshot shows the available modules in the right green field (1), listing different possible modules: KL1002, KL2012, KL3001, KL4001. The Default configuration of this example, a bus coupler, is that no modules are configured (2).

Project Explorer

On the tab “Test” the available “Slave Configurations” for the bus coupler are listed. By default only one:

Project Explorer

To test the bus coupler with each of the four possible module configurations at least once, the CTT supports their generation as shown below:

Project Explorer

All automatically generated slave configurations are then listed in the “Slave Configurations” window:

Project Explorer

3. DC Modes


With the help of CTT, different Synchronization Mode configurations can be generated automatically. Below a slave with four DC modes is shown:

Project Explorer

As shown below, an individual, per OP-mode configuration can be generated:

Project Explorer

For each OpMode of the slave a configuration is generated (also, the Default configuration is still listed which is basically redundant with “noDc”):

Project Explorer

4. Edit Cycle Times per Configuration


Cycle Times can be edited for each configuration individually. Double-click on the cycle time field:

Project Explorer

5. Activate Configuration


Individual configurations can be activated as shown below. Changes on other tabs (e.g. start-up commands) always apply for the active configuration.

Project Explorer

6. Run Tests for all Configurations


With activating the “Run test cases for selected configurations” the CTT will run each test file for each configuration.

Project Explorer

7. Calculation of Module CRC (for ESI element Modules:Module@Crc32)


For ESI files which use the attribute Module@Crc32 (e.g. FSoE slaves) the CTT displays the CRC as given in the ESI file vs. the expected one.

Project Explorer

8. Generation of CRC Calculation File


The CTT generates a *.txt file with the CRC32 calculation sequence in the ESI File folder.

Project Explorer

The *.txt file has the sequence of the CRC calculation:

Project Explorer

9. Configure several FSoE Connections


The CTT supports slaves with one or even several FSoE connections.

Project Explorer



1. Offline Test


Slave devices can be added offline to test the ESI file only.

Project Explorer

Select one or several devices to add to the offline configuration.

Available EtherCAT Boxes

And run all offline tests to test the ESI file.

2. Test Different Configurations


Different slave configurations can be tested – with different process data, Distributed Clock settings, module configurations, etc.

Project Explorer

3. Module/Slots


Configure the modules of the slave and test it:

Project Explorer

4. Real Time Mode


In CTT Version 1.x.x tests could not be performed for devices running Distributed Clocks (DC) mode and had to be done manually. With the integrated driver in CTT Version 2 and the real-time hardware extension (CU2508) manual testing is obsolete – it is replaced by automated testing.

Compared to the previous need of manual testing (along ETG.7000-2AnnexA Testing for Devices in DC Mode) for both, in-house testing as well as at the ETC, the automated testing saves considerable time. Also, long-term-testing and automated testing of the DuT in different DC configurations is now possible without manual intervention.

The fact, that in-house testing and testing at the ETC can happen with the same set-up, test results also become even more transparent.

The CU2508 needs to be obtained only once while CTT Version 2 also runs on any Windows PC utilizing any standard NIC support 1GBit/s.

CTT Version 1 and CTT Version 2 – for devices not supporting DC modes:


CTT Version 2 - with real-time hardware extension to perform all tests also for DuTs running in DC mode:


5. FSoE


The FSoE Conformance Test Tool functionality is now integrated with the EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool and is simply activated with the additional FSoE Conformance Test license file.


6. State Machine


Use the CTT to step through the EtherCAT states.


7. Update of Test Set


A significant number of tests have been added to help you with finding and fixing the little details.

Test Groups with new tests:

8. Memory View


The ESC registers can be read from the slave and are shown in a well-readable and well-interpreted way.

Memory View

9. EEPROM Update via Drag and Drop


Drag and drop an ESI file to the EEPROM control to view it and press “Write” to write the SII of the device.


10. Offline OD Generation


Upload the online Object Dictionary from the device and save it as offline Object Dictionary to add it to the ESI file element Device:Profile:ObjectDictionary.


11. Start-Up Commands


The CTT generates the necessary start-up commands – a previous ENI file import is not necessary any more.


12. Report Generation


Store the test report with all tests, results, and device information. The reports can be opened using the CTT.


The report/s is/are shown when expanding the device:


13. Result Export


Export the test results to a csv or xml file for your documentation.


Get a spreadsheet with a result summary and individual test reports.


14. Tool Log


The tool log reports the CTT’s performed steps and may also report additional issues with the device or its ESI file.


15. ESI Repository Location


Set the ESI repository location to any file path convenient for working with the CTT.
