Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)
www.tusur.ruFaculty of Innovation Technologies,
Institute of Innovations,
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)
TUSUR is one of the leading engineering universities in Russia, located in the intellectual heart of Russia and Siberia – the city of Tomsk. About 13 thousand students study at 13 faculties TUSUR. The Faculty of Innovation Technologies is a relatively new Faculty, training specialists to implement innovation projects aimed at organizing competitive production of goods and services based on scientific and engineering achievements. Alumni work at engineering and innovative companies in the field of innovation management, electronics, applied mathematics, mechatronics and training systems. The group "Research and optimization of Industrial Ethernet technologies" was founded in September 2007 with the appointment of Aleksandr Zorkaltsev to the Department of Electronic Systems, TUSUR.