Power Machines
www.power-m.ruPower Machines Company is the leading Russian manufacturer and supplier of complex decisions in the field of power engineering including production, supply, erection, maintenance and modernization of equipment for thermal, nuclear, hydraulic and gas-turbine power plants. Power Machines Company was established in 2000 and united technological, productional and intellectual resources of the world famous Russian enterprises: Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod (1857), Electrosila (1898), Turbine Blades’ Plant (1964), Kaluga Turbine Works (1964), NPO CKTI (1927), Energomachexport (1966) and Power Machines – Reostat Plant (1960). The equipment produced by Power Machines’ enterprises is installed in 87 countries of the world. The company’s shares are operated in RST (Russian Trading System).
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