Shandong Academy of Sciences, Laser Institute LISD
www.sdlaser.cnThe Laser Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences is founded in 1978. It is registered in the Hi-Tech Region of Jining City, Shandong Province of China. Besides its headquarters in Jining, the Institute also includes a Research and Development (R&D) Center in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province, and a R&D Center in Qingdao, the biggest city of Shandong Province. The Laser Institute is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary R&D Institute whose activities span from laser equipments, laser application, fiber optic sensing, through non-destructive detection and intelligent fabrication, to plasma environment technology. Its main tasks include R&D, personnel training and technology transfer in the areas of high and new technology. At this moment the Laser Institute has three national level R&D platforms, over ten provincial level R&D platforms, five international joint laboratories, three key laboratories of the Academy of Sciences and one national academician station.