In July 2022, a tradition was revived and after a two-year break the 11th ETG Member Meeting Korea, and 16th Member Meeting Japan could be again held as face-to-face events. These meetings were very well received by members: the events were similarly well attended to the pre-pandemic time.
More than 100 participants from 44 member companies gathered for the Member Meeting in Seoul, Korea and more than 70 participants from 53 companies in Yokohama, Japan. Members had been informed about the work and results of the technical working groups, the development of EtherCAT Technology Group, and global trends in industrial communications.
In his presentation, Martin Rostan, Executive Director of ETG, emphasized the importance of continuity in the technological development of EtherCAT: The careful downward-compatible development of the technology leads to investment security and is an important contribution to the global success of the technology. EtherCAT is increasingly benefiting from the technology disruptions that others are causing with new versions. Local ETG members presented exceptional EtherCAT applications, demonstrating the wide range of possibilities offered by EtherCAT.
The fast-growing ETG membership figures – not only in Asia – underline the further adoption of EtherCAT as one of the leading Industrial Ethernet communication systems. Now, ETG counts 2758 Asian members, which makes 41% of all ETG members worldwide.
Título de imagen
Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group, presented the current dynamics of ETG in a global perspective at ETG Member Meeting Korea

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