Development and Consultation Services
LNC is a teaching and research facility of the School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Beihang University, Beijing China. Researches focus on CNC control system, digital servo control and automation technology of manufacturing. LNC started the development on EtherCAT since 2005 and built close relationship with ETG. The research results are widely used in Chinese leading automation companies. 2010, LNC published a book about EtherCAT design and application in Chinese.
The EtherCAT services include:
- EtherCAT master drive on PC and ARM platform
- EtherCAT slave hardware and software design
- CoE & SoE integration for servo drive development
- Training on EtherCAT protocol and development bases
- Consulting services of EtherCAT development
- Problem shot for EtherCAT system
- Feasibility studies and requirements analysis for EtherCAT and CNC systems
- Systems integration and testing


Laboratory of Numerical Control and Automation (LNC),
School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Beihang University
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