Preliminary Agenda | Odense
Inscription: 8:00
End of
seminar: 11:00
Speakers: Technology Marketing Expert Mr. Oliver Fels from the
EtherCAT Technology Group and main sponsor Beckhoff Automation. Presentations will be
held in English or Danish language. The order
and titles of presentations may vary.
8.00 |
Breakfast Buffet, Table
Top Exhibition |
8.30 |
Welcome, speaker and sponsor
introduction (in Danish) TBC |
8.40 |
Ethernet, TCP/IP
& co: benefits and limitations (in
English) A detailed look at Ethernet, and
particularly Internet technologies, and what
properties do and do not fit in automation
systems. Oliver Fels, Technology
Marketing, EtherCAT Technology Group |
9.00 |
Understand EtherCAT: Functional principle, technology
highlights, adoption rate
(in English)
Removing the bottlenecks with EtherCAT: processing on the fly! A primer on EtherCAT, how it works, key
functional principles, integrated safety and performance data
compared to the competition. Oliver Fels, Technology
Marketing, EtherCAT Technology Group |
9.45 |
Installation and Diagnosis: How to build and maintain an EtherCAT network
(in English) A overview of the outstanding diagnostic
features of the EtherCAT master and slaves,
and how they can be used in systems for
maximizing uptime, minimizing downtime, and
assisting with troubleshooting a network. Oliver Fels, Technology
Marketing, EtherCAT Technology Group |
10.00 |
Fast data sampling and digital filtering in a standard PLC
(in Danish) Task: Detects items in a counting machine.
Solution: Fast sampling via EtherCAT and modern digital filtering
Michael Byskov, Support and Applications Engineer, Beckhoff Automation ApS |
10.15 |
The future today: how EtherCAT enables the digital transformation
(in English)
How EtherCAT fits in with the concepts of Industrie 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Learn about EtherCAT and TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), which enables real-time communication for heterogeneous environments. Oliver Fels, Technology
Marketing, EtherCAT Technology Group |
10.30 |
How to use EtherCAT for winning business
(in English)
How do the EtherCAT features translate into sales success for machine builders and help end users to achieve their goals. This presentation contains application examples from around the world and shows the practical impact of EtherCAT. Oliver Fels, Technology
Marketing, EtherCAT Technology Group |
10.45 |
Technology outlook (What’s next?): EtherCAT G + G10
(in English)
EtherCAT G offers the next performance level for high-performance machines and data-intensive applications. Parallel processing of segments enables significantly reduced propagation delay times with full EtherCAT compatibility and integration of 100 MBit/s EtherCAT devices. Oliver Fels, Technology
Marketing, EtherCAT Technology Group |
11.00 |
Fingerfood, Table
Top Exhibition, Networking |
Dates and Locations
November 12, 2019 Ecopark Århus,
November 13, 2019 Comwell Roskilde Roskilde (Copenhagen), Denmark
November 14, 2019 Forskerparken - Centerbygningen Odense, Denmark

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