Sponsoring ETG member companies (in alphabetical
acontis technologies GmbH
Acontis technologies is a leading provider
for EtherCAT Technology, Windows real-time
software and Real-Time
Virtualization/Hypervisor Technology. Our
company is known for high quality products
„Made in Germany“. Our portfolio is
completed by providing complementary
Training-, Support- and Software Services.
Many blue chip customers world-wide use our
products. In the fast growing EtherCAT
market acontis technologies GmbH has
achieved a leading position, we are well
known as a highly competent EtherCAT
specialist. At a very early stage we
recognized the big potential behind this
technology; as early as in 2004 we had
started development of our EtherCAT master
stack software. Today we provide a complete
portfolio of EtherCAT products to our
customers. We are an active member in the
EtherCAT Technology Group, attend all
Technical Committee Meetings and thus we are
always up-to-date concerning the latest
EtherCAT technology developments. Many very
important companies in the Industrial
Automation market are already using our
master stack solution (see also our references).
We are the perfect partner for customers who
want to use the EtherCAT technology in their
products, on the master part, on the tools
part as well as on the slave part. |
Beckhoff Nederland
Beckhoff levert en implementeert open
automatiseringssystemen gebaseerd op
PC-compatibele besturingstechnologie. Het
productenpakket omvat Industrie PC's,
veldbuscomponenten, besturingssoftware en
aandrijftechniek. De componenten en systemen
van Beckhoff worden over de gehele wereld
gebruikt bij een grote verscheidenheid aan
toepassingen, lopend van 'high-speed'
machines tot intelligente
gebouwenbeheersystemen. Beckhoff heeft met
zijn “New Automation Technology”, een
standaard gecreëerd voor alle sectoren van
industrie automatisering. |

Elecgator is a technology company located in Beringen, Belgium. The name “Elecgator” is a portmanteau of electronics and integrator. Elecgator develops the customers idea when electronics is involved. With many years of experience in electronic product design elecgator is familiar with the latest developments. Although mostly newly develop hardware and software are used, elecgator frankly selects the best technology for the solution. Elecgator wil develop new hardware and software for a solution only when it is benifiecary for the solution, otherwise existing hardware and software will be used. |

The business areas of Festo are automation with pneumatic and electric components and systems as well as basic and vocational training in industrial automation. Main product groups are valve terminals with field bus/Ethernet, drives, handling and vacuum technology, positioning, valves, proportional technology, compressed-air preparation, tubing, fittings, sensors and pressure switches, pneumatic control technology, electronic control technology. Festo is innovator and market leader in intelligent pneumatics and valve terminals. |

IntervalZero is a software company
specialized in real time operating systems.
Its core product, RTX64, transforms
Microsoft Windows into a real-time operating
system (RTOS). More recently, IntervalZero
has released KINGSTAR, a unique Machine
Automation platform for building smart
machine controllers that are capable of
delivering on the promise of Industry 4.0.
Built on the EtherCAT standard and RTX64,
KINGSTAR empowers engineers to design,
develop and integrate applications with
motion control, machine vision and PLC…with
some unique and key features. Using a single
industrial PC, you can replace all hardware
with software-only, quickly and cost
effectively. |
