Preliminary Agenda

Inscription: 9:00 am
End of Seminar: 3:00 pm

Speaker: Fieldbus and Ethernet experts from the EtherCAT Technology Group and supporting companies. Presentations will be held in Arab or English language. The order and titles of presentations may vary.

   9:30 am

Welcome, Speaker Introduction
Ajay Menon, President ISA (International Society of Automation), UAE Section & Managing Director of Telinstra

   9:40 am

Unmodified Ethernet for Industrial Automation?
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

10:25 am

EtherCAT Technology Basics and Features: Ethernet on the Fly
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

11:20 am

Coffee/Tea Break, Table Top Exhibition

11:50 am

New Automation Technology is IOT Enabled
Chandran Velayudhan, General Manager Beckhoff Automation FZE

12:10 am

EtherCAT Communication Redundancy and Typical Applications with EtherCAT
Randeer Mumtaz, General Manager, M/s. Confido

12:30 am

Prayer Break

  1:00 pm

Lunch Break, Table Top Exhibition

  1:45 pm

EtherCAT Installation, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

  2:05 pm

Safety over EtherCAT as part of the UL Listed CAP9 System
J B Frost, Chief Operation Officer, Opsys LLC

  2:25 pm

How EtherCAT Generates Competitive Advantages for System Integrators and End Users
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

  2:55 pm

Q&A, Wrap-up




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EtherCAT Technology Group, ETG Headquarters | Ostendstr. 196 | 90482 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone: +49 911 54056 20 | Fax: +49 911 54056 29 | Email: info@ethercat.org | Web: www.ethercat.org