FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving (ALLTEC)
www.fobalaser.comFOBA Laser Marking + Engraving (ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH) is one of the international market and technology leaders in manufacturing and supplying innovative laser systems for marking and engraving. ALLTEC / FOBA offers OEM laser markers, laser marking workstations and high-precision laser engraving machines, both standard- and customer-specific solutions. Since 2009, when ALLTEC was merged with FOBA, the brand name FOBA was consolidated and has become a strong common distribution and service label on international markets. With its headquarters in Selmsdorf/Germany, FOBA serves the key markets of automotive part and medical device production as well as aerospace and others. FOBA marking lasers mark a variety of materials and parts in the fields of electronics, plastics processing, safety and ID, tool, metal and mold making and jewelry.