Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO)
www.ufro.clCentro de Modelación y Computación Científica (CEMCC),
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias,
Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO)
Located in the Region of the Araucanía, Chile, the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO) is a state, public institution of higher learning, considered among the best universities in the country based on its remarkable indicators of quality and excellence. It became an independent institution on March 10, 1981, after the merger of the Temuco campuses of the University of Chile and the State Technical University. The Universidad de La Frontera is a learning community dedicated to the creation of human capital in undergraduate and graduate studies, in the areas of continuing education development, scientific and technological research, the promotion and creation of the arts and cultural development, and the education of citizens able to confront the challenges of their time. The University offers 45 undergraduate programs, nine doctoral programs, 31 master’s programs, 17 programs in medical specialties, five programs in dentistry specialties, eight specialty programs in nursing, a specialty program in midwifery, a specialty program in computer science and a specialty program in medical physics. It has over 8,500 students in its undergraduate programs, spread across six Faculties, and more than 800 students in its graduate programs. This University cultivates knowledge, leadership, entrepreneurship, and a forward-looking vision.