After the virtual developer meetings from the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) in Europe and the USA were very well received in the first half of 2021, two additional EtherCAT Interoperability Testing Week events were also held in China and Korea.
During the weeklong digital events, participants were able to listen to exciting presentations by ETG experts, clarify open questions about their individual EtherCAT applications and exchange information with other participants on a wide range of development topics. In total, more than 120 people from China, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan participated in the events. Dr. Guido Beckmann, who is responsible for the EtherCAT Interoperability Testing Weeks at ETG, summarizes: "The plenary webinars as well as the individual expert sessions have shown us that the event format is a good opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas, to enter into discussions with the developers and to decisively advance the EtherCAT technology and its interoperability."
The virtual EtherCAT Interoperability Testing Weeks were established during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic to provide developers who attend regular EtherCAT Plug Fests under normal conditions with a new opportunity. While they certainly cannot replace the in-person meetings, the webinars allow developers to receive high-quality support in planning and implementing their EtherCAT devices and applications.
All information about further EtherCAT Interoperability Testing Weeks as well as the EtherCAT Plug Fests can be found online at www.ethercat.org/events.

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