The linear transport system from Beckhoff
With the XTS linear transport system, Beckhoff offers a proven drive solution in which magnetically driven movers move individually along a travel path of fully integrated motor modules. Different geometries of the motor modules provide a modular system that allows the XTS to be ideally adapted to the machine layout. The XTS not only replaces conventional conveyor belts, but also enables an innovative design of the entire machine. With the flexible motion profiles, simple to highly complex processes can be realized and the entire manufacturing process can thus be optimized.
Software functions enable flexible motion sequences
Each mover can be controlled independently of other movers and with freely movability for individual product transport on the travel path. As a property of the individual mover, the dynamics can thereby change at any time on the fly according to the respective requirement. The individual movers are mapped as “normal” servo axes with all common motion control functions such as flying saw, electronic gearing, and cam plate.
Alternative solutions open up innovation potentials
The innovation potentials of XTS are by no means limited to highly complex motion sequences. In fact, the system offers finely scalable adaptation options with regard to the application requirements, e. g., in relation to the geometry, the number of movers, and the functional scope. This starts with simple applications, such as the purely linear motion of a mover and the extension by a second mover to create an XY motion. With the closing of the modular geometry consisting of motor modules and guide rails, an endless linear system with any installation position is ultimately created.

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