Anybus X-gateways™
The Anybus X-gateway series connect EtherCAT networks with 19 other fieldbus and industrial Ethernet networks. The X-gateways are handy links that allow EtherCAT connected devices to communicate with other fieldbus or industrial Ethernet networks and vice versa. The product family includes the following gateways:
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Profibus (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Profibus (Master)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Profinet (IO Device)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> DeviceNet (Adapter)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> DeviceNet (Scanner)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> EtherNet/IP (Adapter)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> EtherNet/IP (Scanner)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Modbus-RTU (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Modbus-RTU (Master)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Modbus-TCP (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Modbus-Plus (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> CANopen (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Interbus
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Interbus (Fibre Optic)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> CC-Link (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> AS-Interface (Master)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Controlnet (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> Lonworks
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> FIPIO (Slave)
- EtherCAT (Slave) <> EtherCAT (Slave)
The X-gateways are compact devices for standard DIN rail mounting and 24 Volt industrial power supply. They are based on the proven Anybus communication modules. Embedded into a small metal housing, the modules form an intelligent link between two industrial networks. On the EtherCAT side, they always function as a slave. On the secondary network side, they can work as master, slave or server depending on the selected network combination. The EtherCAT implementation is based on Beckhoff´s EtherCAT technology combined with HMS’ NP30 network processor and contains all protocol functions including the CANopen based application layer for process data (PDO) and parameter data (SDO) communication functions. The X-gateway is CE-marked and certified for UL, ATEX and Class 1/Div 2 hazardous locations.
After start-up, the gateways are immediately ready for data exchange between the two selected networks. Configuration is done within a few minutes and no programming or specific PC hard- or software is required. The gateways transmit I/O data completely transparent between the two networks. The amount of data is configured within a simple configuration dialogue during setup of the gateway. The gateways can easily be integrated into industrial automation systems and will ensure a seamless information flow between different networks. The Anybus X-gateways combine high reliability and flexibility which makes them an indispensible connectivity tool for system integrators and plant operators.

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