MOVITRAC® advanced
In the field, MOVITRAC® advanced turns heads with its exceptionally quick and easy startup: To start up the motor, you can read and enter the type designation from the motor's electronic nameplate. Alternatively, you can use the electronic catalog in the MOVISUITE® engineering software. Even unknown motors are not a problem: These can be easily started up using the calibration function. And optimal energy efficiency is guaranteed by the various energy management functions, such as regenerative units, energy storage units and standby mode. Standby mode reduces the application inverters' energy consumption during breaks in operation by up to 85 % without interrupting communication to the higher-level PLC. To start up the application, graphical editors are available to help you easily create motion functions, and automatic IEC code generation helps get you started writing sequential programs.
With MOVI-C® everything fits together: As with our other modular systems, everything in our new MOVI-C® modular automation system fits seamlessly together: The engineering software matches the controller and inverter technology, which in turn both fit with the drive technology.

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