Talos-3012 Master Controller
ADLINK's new Talos-3012 is a palm-size EtherCAT (Ethernet for Control Automation Technology) master controller based on the Intel® Atom™ quad-core processor E3845 1.9GHz, with IEC-61131 compliant syntaxes. The Talos master controller allows easy emigration of legacy PLC programming to a PC-based environment and Softmotion function blocks, with a single master controller able to connect up to 64 axes and 10,000 I/O points of control through a daisy-chained slave system. Superior computing power enables the Talos-3012 to flawlessly perform simultaneous multitask processing for HMI, motion control, PLC, and gateway operations in industrial automation applications. ADLINK's EPS Series slave system's modular design empowers flexible channel density in a 110 x 130 x 105 mm package. Incorporating the latest RISC processor and FPGA, ADLINK EPS slave systems provide a wide variety of I/O modules, including DI/O, AI/O, thermal measurement, motion control, and EtherCAT communication modules, easily daisy-chained for system expansion with no compatibility issues.
- Powered by ADLINK Softmotion
- Supports IEC-61131-3-compliant programming environment
- Minimal control cycle time within 250 µs
- Motion control of up to 64 axes and up to 10,000 I/O points of control
- Supports EtherCAT COE, FOE as well as EOE protocols
- Code executable when host Windows system crashed
- Built-in SD socket for logging manufacturing data
- 3 user-defined indicators for CTR diagnostic

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