ODiS LI1000 ECAT: Optical Displacement Sensor
The optical displacement sensor ODiS is based on principle of the Fizeau interferometer. It is meant to measure linear displacement in industrial as well as in scientific applications. The miniaturized assembly associated with a novel measurement method renders an unrivaled cost-performance ratio possible. Sub-nanometer displacements over an axis travel of up to 1 m with a maximum velocity of 1 m/s can be resolved. The sensor can be easily integrated into customers systems by linking to NC-controls via EtherCAT®.
The ODiS LI1000 ECAT is a fixed coupled setup of the ODiS LI1000 and a special version of the TETRA Encoder-Interface-Box TEAM EEI1 (see ‘EtherCAT Components’ at www.tetra-ilmenau.com. This configuration provides the perfect solution for an interferometer in industrial applications. The ODiS LI1000 ECAT benefits from the high interpolation performance of the EEI1 and provides full access to the settings of the interferometer over EtherCAT®.
The main features are:
- measuring distance: 0 .. 1000mm
- velocity of moving reflector: 0 .. 1m/s
- Interpolated resolution of distance: 0.046nm
- Wave length stability: 200 ppb
- easy beam setup
- only 24V power supply


TETRA Gesellschaft für Sensorik, Robotik und Automation mbH
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