Energy efficient combination of motor, gear and drive electronics:
The MOVIGEAR® performance with its compact design and maximum integration of components can be used perfectly in all decentralized solutions.
With 4 availabe communication options it can be connected in a big variety of topologies and fieldbus types.
May we also introduce:
The MOVIGEAR® classic - our efficient solution for centralized and decentralized installations. The electronics can be installed centrally in the control cabinet or decentralized in the shopfloor using our new electronics MOVIMOT® flexible for installation close to the motor. These decentralized solutions from the MOVI-C® modular automation system platform gives you the possibility to run asynchronous motors but also realize applications in IE5 - today.
In the field, MOVIGEAR® turns heads with its exceptionally quick and easy startup:
To start up the motor, you do not even need a software tool. The usage of Digital motor intergration of SEW-EURODRIVE allows the drive elctronics to do an automated start-up with basic controller values. An other advantage is the predefined application functionality that comes on delivery. This way most of the applications can be run without any engineering software by SEW-EURODRIVE.
With MOVI-C® everything fits together:
In combination with our MOVI-C® modular automation system for switch cabinet inverters everything fits seamlessly together: One engineering software for centralized and decentralized installation leads to the same look-and feel for all SEW devices.

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