easiLOGIX is the Telestar’s SoftPLC, joining two market leaders, RTX and CODESYS, in a single PC-based control solution. Any PC platform running 32 bit Windows, from mono-core to parallel multi-core architectures, can be transformed in an Hard Real Time control system based on CODESYS; it supports from Windows XP to Windows 7, in the Embedded version or not. easiLOGIX relies only on standard and multi-vendor technologies: IEC-1131-3, C / C++, EtherCAT.
The development environment is the standard, and free, CODESYS V3, but target and development systems can also be the same PC. Free demo available. CODESYS grants full PLC functionalities, like online debug and online/offline modifications. RTX grants the Hard Real-Time performances with any Windows version, on any PC platform and with any other Windows software running on the PC, no Windows process can influence the SoftPLC performances. The SoftPLC comes in three versions: PLC functionalities only, SoftMotion functionalities with the complete PLCOpen motion blocks library and NC functionalities with multi-axes interpolator blocks and G-code.
The communication with Windows HMI can be performed trough the integrated CODESYS OPC Server, with the direct PLC Handler DLL library or developing your custom data exchange using the RTX inter process communication objects (shared memories, events, …). With easiLOGIX you are not forced to work “inside a SoftPLC”, all proprietary tasks that cannot be developed with PLC logic can be implemented in RTX with Visual Studio and coordinated in real-time with the SoftPLC; vision systems, high frequency data acquisition and treatment, custom communication protocols, complex robot inverse kinematics or simulation modules can be run side by side and synchronized with the SoftPLC.

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