PLC and Motion Control Software TwinCAT
The Windows Control and Automation Technology
Beckhoff created a global standard for automation with the launch of PC-based control technology in 1986. On the software side, the TwinCAT (The Windows Control and Automation Technology) automation suite forms the core of the control system. The TwinCAT software system turns almost any PC-based system into a real-time control with multiple PLC, NC, CNC and/or robotics runtime systems. TwinCAT 3 is the systematic further development of TwinCAT 2, with which the world of automation technology is being redefined.
TwinCAT 3 Highlights
- only one software for programming and configuration
- Visual Studio® integration
- more freedom in selecting programming languages
- support for the object-oriented extension of IEC 61131-3
- use of C/C++ as the programming language for real time applications
- link to MATLAB®/Simulink®
- integrated motion control solution – from NC PTP, robotics to CNC
- open interfaces for expandability and adaptation to the tools landscape
- flexible runtime environment – active support of multi-core CPUs
- support of 32- and 64-bit operating systems (Windows CE, Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD)
- migration of TwinCAT 2 projects
- automatic code generation and project implementation with the TwinCAT Automation Interface
- connection to all common fieldbuses
- PC interfaces (network, PCI, USB, hard disk) are supported
- data connection to user interfaces and other programs using open standards (OPC, ADS etc.)
TwinCAT is the fully-featured and de-facto reference EtherCAT master implementation.

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