Speakers: Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Experts from the EtherCAT Technology
Group and supporting companies.
Presentations will be held in English or Korean language. The order and titles of
presentations may vary.
09:00 |
Registration, Welcome Coffee, Table
Top Exhibition |
09:30 |
Welcome, Speaker Introduction |
09:35 |
Unmodified Ethernet for
Industrial Automation?
EtherCAT Technology Group |
10:05 |
EtherCAT Technology
- How does it work?
EtherCAT Technology Group |
11:00 |
Coffee Break, Table Top Exhibition |
11:30 |
EtherCAT Features
- What are
the user benefits?
- Migration from Classical Fieldbus
EtherCAT Technology Group |
12:30 |
Lunch Break, Table Top Exhibition |
13:30 |
Real-time EtherCAT Master for windows and embedded systems
DukHan Sun, Senior Engineer, Acontis
13:45 |
Introduction to high precision motion control solution with EtherCAT technology
Yuk Kim, Senior Application Engineer, ACS Motion Control (PRESTOSOLUTION) |
14:00 |
Korean EtherCAT Application
Success Story
이 명복 차장, TRi-TEK |
14:15 |
Korean EtherCAT Success
Stories: Injection Machine, Rack-Master (LCD), Blower Machine
Hee Se Lee, Assistant Manager, HIGEN Motor |
14:30 |
Coffee Break, Table Top Exhibition |
15:00 |
EtherCAT 솔루션
원일민, 힐셔코리아 지사장 |
15:15 |
EtherCAT Total Solution Provider
Ray Ahn, Manager, LS Mecapion |
15:30 |
Introduction to SYSMAC and Application (NJ Robotics using EtherCAT - Delta robot)
Young-Eun Ha, OMRON |
15:45 |
Competitive Advantages for Machine Builders through EtherCAT
EtherCAT Technology Group |
16:30 |
Summary and Discussion |
16:35 |
End of Seminar |
Dates and Venues:
Sep 25, 2013
Seoul, Korea
Sep 26, 2013
DaeJeon, Korea

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