EtherCAT/Fieldbus Gateways
Beckhoff Automation offers several gateway solutions to connect the following fieldbus systems to an EtherCAT network:- Serial interface RS422/RS485
- AS-Interface (Master)
- CANopen (Master and Slave)
- DeviceNet (Master)
- DMX (Master and Slave)
- Interbus (Slave)
- IO-Link (Master)
- Lightbus (Master)
- PROFIBUS DP (Master or Slave)
- PROFINET IO (Master or Slave)
* Product anncouncement
Serial interface RS422/RS485
The EL6021 serial interface enables the connection of devices with RS422 or RS485 interface. These devices communicate with the automation device via the coupler.
AS-Interface Master Terminal
The EL6201 AS-Interface master terminal enables the direct connection of AS-Interface slaves. The AS-Interface compliant interface supports digital and analog slaves, versions 2.0 and 2.1. The connected devices are supplied via the EL9520 AS-Interface potential feed terminal with filter.
CANopen Master/Slave Terminal
The EL6751 CANopen master terminal corresponds to the Beckhoff FC5101 CANopen PCI card. Due to the connection via EtherCAT, no PCI slots are required in the PC. Within an EtherCAT Terminal network, it enables the integration of any CANopen devices. The terminal can either be master or slave. In addition, general CAN messages can be sent or received – without having to bother with CAN frames in the applications program. The terminal has a powerful protocol implementation with many features:
- All CANopen PDO communication types are supported: event driven, time driven (using an event timer), synchronous, polling.
- synchronisation with the PC controller‘s task cycle
- SYNC cycle with quartz precision for drive synchronisation, zero cumulative jitter
- parameter communication (SDO) at start-up and when running
- emergency message handling, guarding and heartbeat
- powerful parameter and diagnostics interfaces
- online bus load display
- bus monitor functionality
The EL6751 is optionally also available as a slave version (EL6751-0010).
DeviceNet Master/Slave Terminal
The DeviceNet master terminal EL6752 corresponds to the Beckhoff FC5201 DeviceNet PCI card. Due to the connection via EtherCAT, no PCI slots are required in the PC. Within an EtherCAT Terminal network, the terminal enables the integration of any DeviceNet devices. The terminal can either be master or slave. The DeviceNet terminal has a powerful protocol implementation with many features:
- All DeviceNet I/O modes are supported: polling, change of state, cyclic, strobed.
- unconnected message manager (UCMM)
- Offline Connection Set, Device Heartbeat Messages, Device Shutdown Messages
- Auto Device Replacement (ADR)
- powerful parameter and diagnostics interfaces
- The error management for each bus user is freely configurable.
The EL6752 is optionally also available as a slave version (EL6752-0010).
DMX Master/Slave Terminal
The EL6851 EtherCAT Terminal is a DMX master terminal and enables connection of up to 32 devices without repeater. The DMX master terminal can send up to 512 bytes of data (this can be set via the terminal). At 250 kbit/s a maximum data rate of 44 kHz is therefore possible. The RS485 interface in the EL6851 is electrically isolated and guarantees high interference immunity.
Interbus Slave Terminal
The Interbus slave terminal EL6740-0010 facilitates data exchange between EtherCAT and Interbus. For both bus systems the terminal “mirrors” up to 64 bytes to the respective other system. The outputs are written to the inputs of the other bus with minimum delay. The terminal can use the Interbus protocol up to a baud rate of 2 Mbit. Due to the connection via EtherCAT, no PCI slots are required in the PC.
IO-Link Master Terminal
The IO-Link terminal enables connection of up to four IO-Link devices. A point-to-point connection is used between the terminal and the device. The terminal is parameterised via the master. 2-wire and 3-wire connections are supported. Additional 24 V and 0 V connection points can be realised via the EL918x potential distributor terminal.
Lightbus Master Terminal
The EL6720 Lightbus master terminal enables the connection to Lightbus devices just as the Beckhoff FC2001 Lightbus PCI card. Due to the connection via EtherCAT, no PCI slots are required in the PC. The terminal controls the Lightbus protocol with all its features. Within an EtherCAT Terminal network, the EL6720 enables the integration of any Lightbus slaves. The terminal has a powerful protocol implementation with many features:
- Cycle times up to 100 µs are possible
- Process data communication can either be free running or synchronised
- Powerful parameter and diagnostics interfaces (ADS)
PROFIBUS DP Master/Slave Terminal
The PROFIBUS master terminal EL6731 corresponds to the Beckhoff FC3101 PROFIBUS PCI card. Due to the connection via EtherCAT, no PCI slots are required in the PC.
The terminal controls the PROFIBUS protocol with all its features. Within an EtherCAT Terminal network, it enables the integration of any PROFIBUS devices. Thanks to the PROFIBUS chip developed in-house, the terminals are equipped with the latest version of the PROFIBUS technology – including high-precision isochronous mode for axis control and expanded diagnostic options. These masters are the only ones that support different poll rates for the slaves. The PROFIBUS terminal has a powerful protocol implementation with many features:
- cycle times from 200 µs are possible
- master, slave and PROFIBUS monitor up to 12 Mbit/s
- powerful parameter and diagnostics interfaces
- The error management for each bus user is freely configurable.
- It is possible to read the bus configuration and automatically assign the "GSD" files.
The EL6731 is optionally also available as a slave version (EL6731-0010).
PROFINET IO Master/Slave Terminal
The EL6631 PROFINET IO controller (master) terminal supports the complete real-time function (RT) as well as extensive diagnostic possibilities. All services in accordance with Conformance Class B are supported. Up to 15 PROFINET IO devices can be projected on the EL6631.
The EL6631 is optionally also available as a slave version (EL6631-0010)
PROFINET IRT Slave Terminal
The EL6632 PROFINET IRT controller terminal offers the complete RT (real-time) or IRT (isochronous real-time) functionality and a wide range of diagnostic options. All services in accordance with Conformance Class C are supported. Depending on the cycle time, up to five PROFINET IRT or up to 15 PROFINET RT devices can be operated at the EL6632 in a line topology.
The maximum distance between two devices is 100 m. Protocols such as LLDP or SNMP can be used for network diagnostics.