ETG Member Meeting Japan
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 | 1:30 PM (JST)
Get involved in Japanese ETG activities and join us for the ETG Member Meeting Japan in 2009! Contribute to the EtherCAT success in Japan with your ideas, stay up-to-date with the latest developments of EtherCAT and the EtherCAT Technology Group. See worldwide EtherCAT applications and discuss your idea with EtherCAT expert Martin Rostan (ETG Executive Director).
The meeting is intended for employees of Japanese ETG members as well as for the Japanese representatives of ETG members located in other parts of the world.
Agenda (preliminary)
- 13:30 - 14:00 Greeting from Mr. Takeshi Kameda, ETG Representative Japan
- 14:00 - 15:00 EtherCAT technology + ETG update; EtherCAT applications worldwide
- 15:00 - 15:30 Application and examination of wireless correspondence with EtherCAT (Mutrata Machinery,Ltd.)
- 15:30 - 16:00 Open Conformance Test Center in Japan (ASTEM)
- 16:00 - 16:30 Break
- 16:30 - 17:00 Presentation from EtherCAT development resources
- 17:00 - 17:30 Open discussion
Akihabara UDX south wing 6F
4-14-1 Sotokanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
Tel.: 03-3254-8421
Fax: 03-3254-8422
Web: http://udx.jp/conference/index.html
Map: http://udx.jp/conference/map.html
For further information please have a look at the PDF here.
Please register by email to Asuka Ohashi at ETG Japan / K.MECS head office, who is in charge of the meeting organization. Email: