WITRON Logistik + Informatik
www.witron.deWITRON Logistik + Informatik GmbH, established in 1971 (headquarters Parkstein, Bavaria, Germany), designs, realizes, and operates customized logistics and material flow systems that generate sustainable competitive advantages for its clients. WITRON has all the decisive key elements of a successful project under one roof: logistics design, information and control technology, mechanics design and production, as well as functional responsibility as general contractor for logistics. The WITRON Corporate Group has 3,100 employees worldwide. WITRON’s annual revenue in 2017 amounted to 515 million Euros. Other WITRON branches are located in Rimpar (Germany), Arlington Heights, Illinois (USA), Toronto (Canada), Venray (The Netherlands), Stoke-on-Trent (UK), Madrid (Spain), Strasbourg (France), and Singapore.