Anybus CompactCom B40 Brick
The Anybus CompactCom B40 for EtherCAT is a high-performance network interface in Brick format — ready-made with software and hardware to enable communication between your device and the EtherCAT network.
The 100 Mbit/s EtherCAT interface uses 2 standard RJ45 connectors. It supports a simple low cost line structure, a tree structure, daisy chaining or drop lines - no expensive infrastructure components are required.
The EtherCAT protocol is based on the standard IEEE 802.3 layers according to ISO/OSI. The module physical layer is 100BASE-X. The communication profile is the CANOpen adapter device profile using SDOs and PDOs for data communication.
Key Features
- CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE)
- Support for Modular Device Profile
- Network Identity customisation
- EMCY support
- Up to 1486 bytes of fast cyclic I/O in each direction
- Up to 16383 ADIs can be accessed form the network when modular device profile is enabled
- Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE)
- File access over EtherCAT (FoE)
- Black channel for FSOE supported
- Network cycle time down to 100 μs
- Possible to implement DS402 drive profile
- Semiconductor Drive Profile support: Common Device Profile (ETG.5003.1) and Specific Device Profile (ETG.5003.2xxx)

Further Information