Registration: 8.00 am
End of seminar: 1.00 pm
Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director from the EtherCAT Technology Group
(ETG) and supporting ETG member companies.
The order and titles of presentations may vary.
8.00 am |
Registration and
welcome, table top exhibition |
8.30 am |
Why and how EtherCAT does what it does...
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
9.30 am |
Cyber Security: A threat also for EtherCAT?
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
9.45 am |
EtherCAT G/G10. The Roadmap for even more performance and bandwidth
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
10.00 am |
Coffee and tea break,
table top exhibition, ask the experts |
10.30 am |
EtherCAT success stories by sponsors:
Implementing EtherCAT Mike Banda (Melbourne/Adelaide), John Wan (Sydney/Brisbane), Beckhoff Automation
Solving Industry 4.0 with Open Standards based technologies Glen Fry, Founder, iControls
Flexible Connectivity Utilizing ‘Hot Connect Group Function‘ Mikael Sandell, Global Account Manager, SMC |
am |
User Benefits: Winning Business with EtherCAT
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
am |
Q&A, Conclusion |
12.30 am |
Light lunch, table top exhibition, ask
the experts |
1.00 pm |
End of seminar |
Dates and Venues:
February 7, 2023 Melbourne
February 8, 2023 Adelaide
February 9, 2023 Sydney
February 10, 2023 Brisbane

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