Inscription: 12:30
End of seminar: 17:05

ETG Speaker: Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG)

The order and titles of presentations may vary.


Inscription, welcome and table top exhibition


EtherCAT: the why and how
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


EtherCAT success stories by sponsors:
Beckhoff Automation Vietnam
Masenta Rekayasa Teknologi
Ruang Industri Indonesia


Coffee and tea break, table top exhibition, ask the experts


EtherCAT: unique cyber security features
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


Better diagnostics leads to less downtime
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


Migration from classical fieldbus systems: Best practice
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


How to use EtherCAT to get more business
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


Q&A, wrap-up







Date and Venue:

Tuesday | February 18, 2025

Register today!



Beckhoff Automation

 Masenta Rekayasa Teknologi

Ruang Industri Indonesia


EtherCAT Technology Group, ETG Headquarters | Ostendstr. 196 | 90482 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone: +49 911 54056 20 | Fax: +49 911 54056 29 | Email: info@ethercat.org | Web: www.ethercat.org