Inscription: 12:30
End of seminar: 17:05
ETG Speaker:
Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG)
The order and titles of presentations may vary.
12:30 |
Inscription, welcome and table top exhibition |
13:00 |
EtherCAT: the why and how Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
14:15 |
EtherCAT success stories by sponsors:
PC-Based Control : comprehensive system solutions in different performance classes for all areas of automation Rizal Aminnudin, Beckhoff Automation Indonesia
Ethercat ease of Implementation on existing systems and machines. Basyiruddin Qori Wicaksono, Pt Masenta Rekayasa Teknologi
Implementing EtherCAT on Automated Guided Vehicle Ronggo Widhiarto, Pt Ruang Industri Indonesia
15:00 |
Coffee and tea break, table top exhibition, ask the experts |
15:30 |
EtherCAT: unique cyber security features Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
15:45 |
Better diagnostics leads to less downtime Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
16:00 |
Migration from classical fieldbus systems: Best practice Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
16:15 |
How to use EtherCAT to get more business Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
17:00 |
Q&A, wrap-up |
17:05 |
Dinner |
Date and Venue:
Tuesday | February 18, 2025 Semarang

