Registration: 9:00 am
End of presentations: 3:30 pm

Speaker: Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG), and supporting ETG member companies.

The order and titles of presentations may vary.

  9:00 am

Inscription, welcome and table top exhibition

  9:30 am

Ethernet, switches and so on: isn't that enough?
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

10:15 am

EtherCAT: how it really works
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

11:00 am

Coffee and tea break, table top exhibition, ask the experts

11:30 am

EtherCAT success stories by sponsors:
EtherCAT and XPlanar for More Efficiency and Flexibility
Ryan Sia, Beckhoff Automation
Quicker, Easier Control with EtherCAT
Alan Tai, ICOP Technology
Why EtherCAT for building a modular machine?
Josh Hsieh, IntervalZero

12:30 pm

Lunch, table top exhibition, ask the experts

  1:30 pm

System architecture, connectivity and Cyber Security
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

  2:00 pm

EtherCAT G/G10: even more bandwidth on the way!
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

  2:15 pm

Coffee and tea break, table top exhibition, ask the experts

  2:45 pm

How to use EtherCAT to get more business
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director

  3:30 pm

Q&A, wrap-up, table top exhibition, end of seminar





Date and Venue:

July 9, 2024

Register today!



Beckhoff Automation

ICOP Technology


Oriental Motor Asia Pacific




EtherCAT Technology Group, ETG Headquarters | Ostendstr. 196 | 90482 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone: +49 911 54056 20 | Fax: +49 911 54056 29 | Email: info@ethercat.org | Web: www.ethercat.org