EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) speaker:
Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director ETG
EtherCAT Expert Robert B. Trusk, ETG Representative North America
Preliminary Agenda
The order and titles of presentations may vary.
Morning sessions: Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver
Registration and light breakfast: 8:30 am Start of seminar: 9:00 am
End of seminar and lunch: 12:30 pm
8:30 am |
Arrival, registration, tabletop exhibition, coffee, and light breakfast |
9:00 am |
EtherCAT: the why and how behind the tech Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
10:15 am |
Diagnostics features that differentiate l Robert B. Trusk, ETG Representative North America |
10:30 am |
Coffee and tea break, tabletop exhibition, ask the experts |
11:00 am |
Beckhoff: the natural choice for EtherCAT Beckhoff Automation
11:30 am |
Boost your cybersecurity using EtherCAT Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
11:45 am |
How to generate more revenue at your own company with EtherCAT Robert B. Trusk, ETG Representative North America |
12:30 pm |
Q&A, lunch, and wrap-up |
Afternoon session: Houston
Registration and light lunch: 11:30 am Start of seminar: 12:30 pm
End of seminar: 4:00 pm
11:30 am |
Arrival, registration, tabletop exhibition, coffee, and light lunch |
12:30 pm |
EtherCAT: the why and how behind the tech Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
1:45 pm |
Diagnostics features that differentiate l Robert B. Trusk, ETG Representative North America |
2:00 pm |
Coffee and tea break, tabletop exhibition, ask the experts |
2:30 pm |
Beckhoff: the natural choice for EtherCAT Beckhoff Automation
3:00 pm |
Boost your cybersecurity using EtherCAT Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
3:15 pm |
How to generate more revenue at your own company with EtherCAT Robert B. Trusk, ETG Representative North America |
4:00 pm |
Q&A and wrap-up |
Dates and Venues:
Tuesday | June 17, 2025 Boston (MA)
Wednesday | June 18, 2025 Chicago (IL)
Thursday | June 19, 2025 Atlanta (GA)
Friday | June 20, 2025 Denver (CO)
Monday | June 21, 2025 Houston (TX)

