Inscription: 8:30
End of seminar: 13:10

ETG Speaker: Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG)

The order and titles of presentations may vary.


Inscription, welcome and table top exhibition


EtherCAT: the why and how
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


EtherCAT Diagnostics: more uptime!
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


EtherCAT success stories by sponsors (I):
Beckhoff Introduction - New Automation Technology
Tran Chau Ky, Beckhoff Automation Vietnam
EtherCAT application in practice
Atul Mistry, Gopalam Embedded Systems


Coffee and tea break, table top exhibition, ask the experts


EtherCAT success stories by sponsors (II):
Quicker, Easier Control ! EtherCAT development for everyone
Alan Tai, ICOP Technology


EtherCAT & cyber security: no need to worry!
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


EtherCAT G/G10. The roadmap for a bright future!
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


Migration from classical fieldbus systems: Best practice
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


User benefits: Winning customers with EtherCAT
Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director


Q&A, wrap-up


Table top exhibition, ask the experts







Dates and Venues:

Thursday | February 20, 2025
Ho Chi Minh City

Friday | February 21, 2025

Register today!



Beckhoff Automation

Gopalam Embedded




EtherCAT Technology Group, ETG Headquarters | Ostendstr. 196 | 90482 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone: +49 911 54056 20 | Fax: +49 911 54056 29 | Email: info@ethercat.org | Web: www.ethercat.org