ホワイトペーパー: 世界標準のモーション通信技術が宇宙用ロボットにもたらすメリット


How Space Robotics Benefits from the World Standard for Motion Communications


Martin Rostan, EtherCAT Technology Group; Dr. Gerhard Grunwald, DLR German Aerospace Center; Valeri Kirischian, Ph.D, MDA (MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates); Steffen Schwarz, Jena-Optronik; Imran Aslam, MDA (MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates), David M. Hiemstra, (MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates); Thomas Rettig, Beckhoff Automation; Chris Thayer, motiv space systems; Alexander Beyer, DLR German Aerospace Center; Greg Jimmerson, Tethers Unlimited; Manfred Schedl, DLR German Aerospace Center



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