embedded world 2016: ETGブース
日付: | 2016/02/23 - 2016/02/25 |
場所: | ニュルンベルグ, ドイツ |
会場: | NürnbergMesse |
ホール, ブース: | 5, 269 |
タイプ: | 展示会 |
Webサイト: | www.embedded-world.de |
関連情報: | We cordially invite you to visit us from Feb 23 - 25 at this year’s embedded world in Nuremberg, Germany. Come to our stand in hall 5, booth #269 and experience EtherCAT technology as the best available Industrial Ethernet technology for embedded systems! No switches or hubs needed, no special hardware required in the master, plus a very simple slave implementation – these are just a few features that make EtherCAT a unique technology perfectly suited for embedded systems. Our EtherCAT experts at the ETG booth are looking forward to discuss your questions and projects in the field of embedded systems with you. For your free ticket to the tradeshow please write an e-mail to info@ethercat.org! See you in Nuremberg! |