EtherCAT評価キット ワークショップ
- 2016/03/02, ニュルンベルク, ドイツ
- 2016/06/08, ニュルンベルク, ドイツ
- 2016/09/28, ニュルンベルク, ドイツ
- 2016/12/07, ニュルンベルク, ドイツ
Contents of the EtherCAT Evaluation Kit Workshop
(subject to modifications):
- Hardware Design:
- EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC)
- Process Data Interface (PDI)
- EtherCAT Master (TwinCAT incl. Real-time driver for EtherCAT)
- EtherCAT Slave (Digital I/O device)
- Configuration and Testing with Slave Evaluation Kit
- EtherCAT Slave Stack Code (SSC)
- Structure
- Protocol Handling
- Compilation and Debugging
- Network Monitoring
- Communication and Protocol Analysis
- EtherCAT Slave Information (ESI) file
- Buy EtherCAT Slave Evaluation Kit (EL98xx)
- Attend EtherCAT Technology Basics for Developers (Seminar)
- Required Hardware:
- Windows© PC
- Required Software (please refer to Application Note EL9800):
- TwinCAT© (comes with Evaluation Kit or download from Beckhoff website)
- MPLAB© (download from Microchip website)
- Compiler for onboard PIC24© (download from Microchip website)
- Recommended Software:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (or higher)
This workshop is offered by Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.
For further information and registration please contact Cordula Konrad at Beckhoff Automation (Germany) directly.