Thomas More Mechelen-Antverpen
www.thomasmore.beEmSys Research Group,
Campus de Nayer , Department Technology & IT,
Thomas More Mechelen-Antverpen
Thomas More is the largest university college in Flanders, offering over 30 Dutch-taught and 5 English-taught bachelor degree programs in the province of Antwerp. In addition, the name “More” also refers to more course programs, more regional spread, more cooperation agreements, more horizons. Within the department Technology & IT, members of the educational track electronics-ict participate on applied embedded research. The Embedded Systems (EmSys) research group is specialized in the development of state-of-the-art analog, digital and software systems, for different application domains e.g. scientific, medical, industrial and in support of the electronics-ict curriculum. In house development happens form design to realization as proof-of-concept, demonstrators and industrial cases prototypes.