Mast Global Logistics – A Division of LBrands
www.lb.com/our-company/mast-globalWith more than 40 years of experience in global production, sourcing and logistics, Mast Global is known worldwide as a premier supply chain organization with a reputation for innovation, speed, efficiency and quality. Today, Mast Global also includes its global information technology function. Together, Mast Global provides the best in innovative, end-to-end solutions that help to “make, move and enable” its world-renowned brands. Its full-service logistics operation is focused on delivering flexible and scalable global supply chain solutions that go beyond basic transportation, warehousing and distribution. Mast Global Logistics stay engaged at the forefront of global logistics practices to continually accelerate our speed to market. Proven experience in customs and country of origin requirements helps ensure smooth transport of finished products from points all over the world.