Sciemetric Instruments
www.sciemetric.comSciemetric is a pioneer of Industry 4.0 smart technologies used by manufacturers to optimize yield, boost quality and reduce costs. The company has worked in measurement and data management for over 30 years. The breadth and depth of Sciemetric’s expertise is unique, and the result of walking thousands of manufacturing lines, creating hundreds of applications and installing thousands of systems worldwide to monitor quality. Sciemetric’s technology is used around the world to improve manufacturing quality and productivity by companies such as Ford, Hewlett-Packard, Jaguar Land Rover, Caterpillar, Honda, John Deere and Medtronic. Founded in 1981 and headquartered in Ottawa, Sciemetric has sales and support offices in Windsor ON, the U.S., the U.K., India and China. Sciemetric is a member of the TASI Group.