Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS)
www.fra-uas.deMechatronics Lab (MecLAB),
Faculty 2: Computer Science and Engineering,
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS)
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) offers a broad variety of practice-oriented bachelor and master degree programs – more than 15,000 students are enrolled in 70 degree courses. Teaching not only takes place within lecture halls, but also in laboratories and in application-oriented projects. Research topics at Frankfurt UAS include, among others, mechatronics, automation technology, robotics, E-business, network security, and cloud computing. A vast number of companies and institutions as well as 200 international partner universities form the university‘s diverse network. The mechatronics laboratory has a strong focus on embedded systems with solutions for automotive applications and robotics.
Mechatronics Lab (MecLAB)