Kookmin University
www.kookmin.ac.krElectric Motor Control Lab (EMCO),
Graduate School of Automotive Engineering,
Kookmin University
Electric Motor Control Laboratory aims to the new core technology evaluation of electric motor and motor control strategy for HEV (Hybrid Electric Motor) and EV (Electric Motor). Research in the EMCO Lab focuses on high performance control algorithms involve Permanent Synchronous Motor, Induction motor, BLDC, BLAC and so on for variety of actuator system such as EPS (electric steering system and ) and XBW. Likewise, lab is committed to power electronics system design and development of DSP technology for motor traction driver system for HEV and EV. EMCO Lab is equipped with motor control test-bench and analysis system, power analyzer instrument and a variety of implemented assessment tools. Research opportunities are available for doctoral and masters student as well as undergraduate students. Current research includes collaborations with Hyundai, Mando and Samsung cooperation.